Sunday, April 19, 2009

Top 10 Wackiest Conspiracy Theories

Top 10 Wackiest Conspiracy Theories
Published on 1/16/2006

Dinosauroid-like Alien Reptiles are dominating the World

Christine Fitzgerald, a confidante of Diana, Princess of Wales, claims that Diana told her that the Royal Family were Reptilian aliens, and that they could shapeshift.

David Icke's --BBC reporter-- claims that humanity is actually under the control of dinosauroid-like alien reptiles who must consume human blood to maintain their human appearance.

"Evidence" goes from Sumerian tablets describing the "Anunnaki" (which he translates as "those who from heaven to earth came"), to the serpent in the Biblical Garden of Eden, to child abuse, fluoridation, and the genealogical connections between the Bush family and the House of Windsor.

Icke theorizes that the reptilians came here from the constellation Draco. Like most conspiracy theories, falsification of Icke's hypotheses is nearly impossible, but Icke continues to sell books and give speaking engagements based on concepts ranging from the New Age to his political opinions.

Apollo 11 Moon Landings were faked by NASA

Proponents of the Apollo moon landing hoax accusations allege that the Apollo Moon Landings never took place, and were faked by NASA with possible CIA support. Enthusiasts of this theory claim that:

  • The astronauts could not have survived the trip because of exposure to radiation
  • The photos were altered: the Crosshairs on some photos appear to be behind objects, rather than in front of them where they should be
  • The quality of the photographs is implausibly high.
  • There are no stars in any of the photos, and astronauts never report seeing any stars from the capsule windows.
  • Identical backgrounds in photos that are listed as taken miles apart.
  • The moon's surface during the daytime is so hot that camera film would have melted.
  • No blast crater appeared from the landing
  • The launch rocket produced no visible flame.
  • The flag placed on the surface by the astronauts flapped despite there being no wind on the Moon.

    September 11 was orchestrated by the U. S. government

    A number of urban myths, alternative hypotheses and conspiracy theories have been formulated to explain the events of September 11th:

  • The U.S., Israel or Iraq government orchestrated the attacks themselves.
  • The Twin Towers fell straight down, at close to free-fall speed. This is a similar characteristic of a controlled demolition. The dust cloud and its make up are considered un-characteristic of a gravity-driven collapse.
  • It is often pointed out that no steel building before or since the 9-11 attack has collapsed as the result of fire.
  • The rubble of the Twin Towers smoldered for weeks after the collapse. This claim is meant to point out that steel could only have smoldered as a result of pre-placed explosives.
  • Some consider photographic evidence of the plane lying on the grounds of the Pentagon to be ambiguous and unconvincing, citing a visual lack of burnt metal, human remains, passenger's luggage or seats.
  • The Pentagon was struck in a newly renovated, reinforced section. Some speculate this location, the west side of the complex, to be indicative of government involvement, noting it as an attempt to reduce casualties.
  • Flight 77 was able to fly in the direction of the DC and Pentagon area for approximately 40 minutes without interception. This is thought to be unusual given the Pentagon's close proximity to Andrews Air Force Base.
  • There are claims that anti-missile batteries at the Pentagon should have intercepted Flight 77.
  • The FBI confiscated a video, which may have captured the impact, from a nearby gas station attended by Jose Velasquez. This video has not yet been released.

    Barcodes are really intended to Control people

    Some conspiracy theorists have proposed that barcodes are really intended to serve as means of control by a putative world government, or that they are Satanic in intent.

    Mary Stewart Relfe claims in "The New Money System 666" that barcodes secretly encode the number 666 - the Biblical "Number of the Beast".

    This theory has been adopted by other fringe figures such as the "oracle" Sollog, who refuses to label any of his books with barcodes on the grounds that "any type of computer numbering systems MANDATED by any government or business is part of the PROPHECY of the BEAST controlling you."

    Charlemagne never existed, is a fictional character

    Phantom time hypothesis is a theory developed by Heribert Illig which suggests that the Early Middle Ages (614–911 CE) never occurred, meaning that all artifacts attributed to this time period were from other times, and all historical figures were outright fabrications.

    One consequence of Illig's hypothesis is that Charlemagne never existed but is a fictional character. The vast majority of historians believe this theory to be complete fiction, as all cited evidence can be considered circumstantial.

    The Truth is out there, on Area 51

    The secretive nature of Area 51 and undoubted connection to classified aircraft research, together with reports of unusual phenomena, have led Area 51 to become a centerpiece of modern UFO and conspiracy theory folklore. Some of the unconventional activities claimed to be underway at Area 51 include:

  • The storage, examination, and reverse engineering of crashed alien spacecraft (including material supposedly recovered at Roswell), the study of their occupants (living and dead), and the manufacture of aircraft based on alien technology.
  • Meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials.
  • The development of exotic energy weapons (for SDI applications or otherwise) or means of weather control.
  • Activities related to a supposed shadowy world government.

    Microsoft sends messages on Wingdings Font

    The Wingdings Font included with Windows has a history of controversy. In 1992, only days after the release of Windows 3.1, it was discovered that the character sequence "NYC" in Wingdings was rendered as Skull and crossbones symbol, Star of David, and thumbs up gesture. This could be interpreted as a message of approval of killing Jews, especially those from New York City.

    Microsoft strongly denied this was intentional, and insisted that the final arrangement of the glyphs in the font was largely random. Various other combinations of Wingings characters are alleged to have special significance by conspiracy theorists, but these results are likely purely coincidental.

    U.S. military caused the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

    Popular Arab news services claim the U.S. and Indian militaries deliberately caused the Indian Ocean tsunamis with electromagnetic pulse technology.

    Another type of theory bases its claims on oil and gas interests. Others also reason that the technology is at least feasible if not highly probable since research into such technology has been conducted by the military as far back as World War II.

    The Nazis had a Moon Base

    Esoteric Hitlerists and conspiracy theorists interested in Nazi mysticism and World War II have speculated that the Germans landed on the Moon as early as 1942.

    According to other theories it is believed that the Nazis had made contact with 'half a dozen' alien races, including the malevolent Reptilians.

    Kentucky Fried Chicken makes black men impotent

    It is sometimes claimed that the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise is owned by the Ku Klux Klan, and the chicken is laced with a drug that makes only black men impotent.

    Ironically, the KFC franchise is actually owned by an African-American.

  • Revised Top-Ten Conspiracy Theories

    survey done by

    Over the past several years, the Internet has become fertile ground for the discussion, creation, and evolution of various "alternative points of view," more popularly known as "conspiracy theories." The combination of near-zero cost-of-entry required to build an opinionated website with the high availability of collaborative discussion forums have created what some call a renaissance for conspiracy theorists. Ranging from ludicrous and uninformed flights of fancy to thought-provoking essays of brilliant research, the sheer volume of online conspiracy "chatter" is a testament to the incredible number of people who are dissatisfied with the "official" answers to provocative questions.

    With over three-million visits a month from those dissatisfied answer-seekers, has emerged as the largest and most popular web site where conspiracy theories of all kinds are created, examined, debunked, filtered, and matured. We turned to our members and visitors to review all of history's conspiracies, compared with contemporary conspiracies, and created a top-ten list of their most important conspiracy theories. Some of the topics in the list will be as familiar as an old friend, others will be a surprise, and one or two are completely unexpected. After 159,620 votes on 53,195 completed ballots from 29,112 people during a six-day period, here are the top-ten most important conspiracies:

    10: The United States Shadow Government

    A little-publicised executive order during the Reagan administration created the National Program Office which established a secret national security team outside the traditional branches of the government. This new agency with a reported multi-billion dollar budget was headed up by covert operations loyalist Oliver North, and included then Vice-President George Bush (Sr.), Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld (who was not part of the administration at the time)...

    9: Controlling Hearts & Minds Through Organized Religion

    Martin Luther in the 16th century, with his Ninety-Five Theses, may have been the first well-documented conspiracy theory author. The Christian Reform Movement began from concern over widespread commercial corruption in the Catholic Church...

    8: The Suppression of Alternative And Free Energy Sources

    One need only look at the debacle of the EV-1 Electric Car, and how the oil industry and big-auto (at the time) colluded with the government to kill a superior product to understand how similar alternative energy products and ideas have been systematically buried or outright killed...

    7: A Significant Global Catastrophe Will Happen In December, 2012

    The ancient Mayans possessed a sophisticated culture with a unique perception of the universe and the role of the planets in cosmic events. Scholars studying the Mayans have found startling accuracy within the Mayan Calendar as it tracked days and weeks in comparison with astronomical data and events, and which is more precise than the Julian calendar. But the disconcerting discovery is that this highly accurate and painstakingly prepared calendar of cosmic events has an end date of 2012, beyond which no data exists...

    6: The Cover-Up Of Alien Technology Research at Area 51

    Few government installations inspire more speculation and flights of fancy than the most public of secret government facilities, Area 51 in Groom Lake, Nevada. Known to be the testing facility for the ultra-secret "Skunk Works" projects that gave birth to advanced technologies such as the stealth aircraft, this highly-guarded location is the stuff of conspiracy legend...

    5: The Collapse of the Global Economy Was A Controlled Demolition

    In the first half of the previous century, people's financial savings were almost exclusively tied up in bank savings, pensions, and personal real estate (homes). Since those three simple vehicles for building or sustaining personal prosperity were not easily controlled or manipulated by the "powers that be," new methods were required to shift the finances from those relatively static, uncontrollable sources, to a more fluid and easily manipulated destination, the stock market. As a result, the government created and promoted several methods of "saving for retirement" that were tied to equity markets. Over time, an epic shift of wealth storage occurred that gave rise to huge global "investment banks" and drove equities indexes to unthinkable highs...

    4: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

    Many consider the assassination of JFK as a pivotal event that was the catalyst for evolving the culture of the United States from one of optimism to that of skepticism. It's a defining moment as arguably the first time where major segments of the population found reason to reject the "official story." From that moment on, distrust in the government began to fester with measurable impact, and the popularization of the term "conspiracy theorist" began to take root...

    3: The Attacks on September 11, 2001

    The basic premise behind 9/11-related conspiracy theories are relatively simple: elements within the United States government either made possible the events of the day, or turned a blind eye so as to allow the attacks to happen unhindered. The core notion is very similar to the conspiracy theories surrounding the attacks on Pearl Harbor. But compounding these theories are two disturbing items: 1) The discovery of Project Northwoods which was a 1962 Joint Chiefs of Staff plan to inflict civilian casualties with hijacked aircraft as a pretext to invade Cuba, and 2) Conspiracy theory "chatter" during the spring of 2001 that a "false flag" terrorist attack on American soil was imminent. When conspiracy theorists discover alarming coincidences that include key "Shadow Government" members at action stations the morning of 9/11, previous plans drafted by the government to do exactly what happened on 9/11, and growing rumors of a terrorist attack that will be used as a pretext for war, the speculation begins in earnest....

    2: The Cover-Up of Extraterrestrial Visitation and Their Space Craft

    Many respected scientists, politicians, and journalists have become convinced of compelling evidence that not only have we been visited by extraterrestrial beings, our government is actively pursuing collaborative projects in exchange for access to advanced technology. Several declassified government documents provide tantalizing clues of active programs designed to retrieve fallen alien space craft, research into extraterrestrial technologies, and cover-stories for various sightings of aerial craft of fantastic operation....

    1: The Secret Cabals Working Toward a Global One-World Government

    In many ways, this is the core concept from which many other conspiracy theories spring forth. The "New World Order" is the fabled end-game for the power-hungry global elite that many believe are behind the events that have shaped history and current events. The core theory speculates that long-standing bloodlines and banking families have entered secret arrangements to consolidate power and influence via a global one-world government....

    Visit the full thread to read the entire summaries of each conspiracy, visit the supporting links, and read member responses.