Thursday, March 19, 2009

6 Secrets of attractive male body language

Life Creation proudly presents to the netizens the 6 “top secrets” of the MALE body language that surely attracts (read seduces :)) female counterparts… Most men have such terrible body language that simply by learning a few secrets, you can instantly stand out from the crowd. Every man can become more attractive; body language is one of the most important for increasing your attractiveness, and making a better first impression. So what can you do starting from today?

1. Plant yourself when standing still
Put your feet slightly wider apart than is natural, dont shift your weight. Notice how your feet feel planted.

2. Do not fidget, fiddle, or touch face

3. Don’t look down - NEVER!!!

4. Make slow head movements
Look around slowly and smoothly, don’t dart around and jolt your head around like you are on fire!

5. Walk more slowly and smoothly
By being smooth and comfortable you give off a sense of quiet confidence. You stand out from the people rushing around.

6. Hold your drink by your side
When you have a drink, hold it by your side. It is a blocking action to hold a drink in front of your chest.

Do these things and you will make a better first impression and stand out from the other men in a room. If you have additional tips to share, please post them here so that all the readers can benefit from them. C’mon gents, won’t you like to impress girls (& women too) like James Bond?


  1. uummm its quite gud attemp but nt d bestone according to me,as first impression is d last impression,told sm great personality,ofcourse not me,it should b most effective one,n wat can b better thn heart winning smile,on face which sifnify sm elusive sense,which arouse sheer concious to to kno u...

  2. thnx i ll surely try 4m nw////hhehehee

  3. u should b if u want 2 b with her always!
